Dear Future Husband. . .

You keep me safe......I'll keep you wild

Dear Future Husband,

There are some things you need to know before you decide to make a lifelong commitment to me.

I get hangry real fast, by fast I mean I go from 1 to 60 in 3 seconds or less. I need to eat roughly every three to four hours, or things start going wrong.

I have a passion for dancing, whether it’s on a stage, in the kitchen, or in the car. No matter where it is I’ll always go full out. Be warned though, I’m terrible at dancing to pop songs.

I’m a terrible singer, but when it comes to the car it becomes my stage and I’m the best singer in the world. I turn my radio up loud and sing every word. No one is allowed to touch the stereo except for myself, that includes to turn it down.

Harry Potter is life. If I get mad at you, the best thing to say is, “How about a glass of wine and a Harry Potter movie?” You’ll win me over every time. Same with any Disney movie.

Thursday nights are dedicated to Grey’s Anatomy. Don’t interrupt that. Even better, watch it with me.

I sleep with about 8 blankets and 4 pillows. I do not share them, even if I’m not using them. I will claim unused pillows and blankets throughout the night. Also, I toss and turn a lot, so good luck with that.

I get sassy real fast when things don’t go my way. Call it last-born syndrome, but I tend to get sassy real quick. You can change that quickly through redirection.

More importantly there are two huge things that may factor into your deciding to marry me.

First, at this point I do not want children. At all. I have enough kids in my family already, and I don’t need my own. Maybe some day that will change, but don’t be the person to pressure me into having kids. I am not made for them right now.

Second, I believe in Jesus. I was raised in a Lutheran church, and I plan to stay in a Lutheran church. I would love if you go to church with me, but that is entirely up to you.


Lastly, don’t give up on me. I’m stubborn and a pain in the a**, but I will love you through the good times and the bad.

With love,


Your Potential Wife


If you give a girl a cousin….

If you give a girl a cousin,

She’ll become best friends with her.


And when she becomes best friends with her.

She’ll share her clothes, gossip, and time in her presence.


She’ll grow comfortable, and gain all trust.

She’ll laugh with her, share stories, make memories,

But she will cry with her too.


And when she cries with her,

She’ll learn that someone will be there to catch every fall.


And when someone is there to catch her every fall,

She’ll know how deeply loved she is,

She’ll grow.


She’ll grow into a woman,

One with someone who has her back,


And when she has someone who has her back,

She’ll take on life fearless.


And once she’s fearless,

She will conquer her highest goals.


And when those goals are conquered,

Her cousin will follow in her path.


And when her cousin follows her path,

They will live.


And when they live,

They will share memories, laughs, and tears.


They will always have each other,

For years, and years, and years.

So if you give a girl a cousin,

She’ll probably ask for more

An Open Letter to the Girl I Thought Would Be My Friend Forever…

Dear old best friend.

I don’t know how we fell apart, we just did. Maybe it was college, boys, or new friends. Maybe it was you complaining about the girls you claim as your best friends now. I see your posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and see that you’re having a great time.

Lets throwback to the days of sleepovers and secrets, when we promised nothing would ever separate us. Turns out, something did.

I just want you to know that I’m glad you’re having a good time; I wish things could be different, but they can’t. We’ve been separated for too long for us to be best friends again. We’ve both moved on and found new friends, and that’s okay, but I’ll never forget the good times we had together.

Good luck with your life, I hope we can reconnect some day.

With love,

Your old best friend.

Dear old best friend,Where are you_.png


I will not apologize.

#.pngI have friends and even family members that disagree with the way I live my life, and that’s okay. It’s okay to not want tattoos, or strange colored hair, or date boys who you know people wont approve of. What is not okay is people telling me how I should be living.

I will not apologize that I chose to get tattoos. Each of my tattoos has a special meaning to me, and I plan on getting more than that.

I will not apologize for being pro-choice. A woman’s body is just that, her body, not mine to choose for her.

I will not apologize for having purple hair. Did you know that the domestic violence and epilepsy awareness ribbons are purple? I’ve been through both and I’m proud to share that.

I will not apologize for dating boys that people don’t approve of. I will date who makes me happy regardless of religion or anything else they believe.

I will not apologize for being a feminist. I believe that we should all be equal, both men and women. We should not be fighting each other, but fighting against the stereotypes.

In short, I will not apologize for living the way I please, and you shouldn’t be either. Explore your options in life, don’t stay living in one place because someone told you to. You are your own person so embrace it!


Dating In The Hook-up World

Don't waste sunsetson people who won'tbe there for the sunrise

Tinder. Plenty of Fish. Hook-ups. That’s all I seem to hear about these days. Guys who tick off the number of girls they’ve slept with, girls gossiping about the cute guys they had over the night before. I personally don’t find that to be fun or interesting. If you’re into the hook-up scene, you might want to stop reading now.

I’m a girl who strives to be loved, and these days that’s hard to find. I’ve made it my goal to find someone who isn’t going to be gone by the sunrise, and do you know how hard that is? Maybe it’s just because I’m in college, but you’d think other people would realize that the clock keeps ticking, and you never know what day is the last.

Ladies, I’m speaking directly to you now. We need to be done with slut-shaming and support each other in happy and healthy relationships rather than getting in on the hook-up culture. I believe that the more we support dating and romance the less hook-ups will be talked about. Some people may thing it’s cool to get their number up into the double digits, but is that going to get you anywhere? Nope, just feeling empty.

Together let’s stop the hook-up culture completely.

With Love,

The girl who still believes in true love.

Long Distance

They knew it. Time, distance, nothing could separate them. They knew it was right.

What’s long distance? Different towns? States? How about any distance that’s too far apart to travel every day. I’m sure we all wish we could see our significant others every day, but unfortunately, our lives don’t always make that possible. Once we start moving out of our parents’ houses and starting college, we spread out. One goes to college where they grew up, the other picks a school an hour away. On to that pile on the crazy work hours and mountains of homework. Mix that with some raging hormones, tears and stress. Also the fact that the one person you really want a hug from isn’t there, and your free time doesn’t match up for another week. It all sounds doomed to fail, right?

It doesn’t have to be. The odds might be against you, but you just have to focus on all the good stuff. How when, after the crazy mess of a week you had, you finally get that hug, and you know why you work for it. You remember why you tried it in the first place, and you know you couldn’t give it up. They’re too important for you to give in when it gets rough. You both know you’re worth the effort. So if you’re ever thinking it’s not worth it, remember how it feels when you finally are together.

If this attempt at motivation isn’t doing it for you, check out the list below.


*Long distance is one of the hardest things on a relationship.

*Counting down days to see each other is just as bad as sitting on hot coals. It’s like seeing candy you want but not being able to have it yet.

*The ride to see each other seems like the longest ride ever.

*The week/weekend/days that you are together seems to fly by and soon enough you’re back on your way home.

*Skype, Snapchat, and texting slowly consumes your life.

*Being tired, stressed out, and near tears is so much worse because you don’t want to ruin their day if they’re having a good day, or if they don’t know how bad it is.


As much as I make it seem like a terrible thing, there are good things I learned about during my time in a LDR.

*You get really great at learning to be alone and how to learn more about yourself.

*Making new friends! I made so many new friends because I didn’t have a boyfriend to rely on to hang out with all the time.

*The first hug and kiss after not seeing each other for a few weeks is pure heaven.

*I never thought I would say this, but I grew so much as an individual and we grew as a couple.


See? Not all long distance relationships are bad. Keep them alive by sending care packages, letters, and silly cards. If it’s possible show up and surprise them! There are so many opportunities to keep the relationship exciting, you just need to open your mind!
With love,

The Black Sheep

Hopes and Dreams and Stuff

I released some exciting information on my own blog today ( about following my own dreams, so now I’m here to inspire you.. or something.

We were told to follow our dreams all our lives, right? If you hope for something you can get it if you work hard enough, right? Well that’s kind of wrong. If I followed my dreams, this world would be crazy and I would have had about 18 different weddings and countless boyfriends.  Anyway, do me a favor and pick a dream and go with it, just make sure you’re happy first.