If you give a girl a cousin….

If you give a girl a cousin,

She’ll become best friends with her.


And when she becomes best friends with her.

She’ll share her clothes, gossip, and time in her presence.


She’ll grow comfortable, and gain all trust.

She’ll laugh with her, share stories, make memories,

But she will cry with her too.


And when she cries with her,

She’ll learn that someone will be there to catch every fall.


And when someone is there to catch her every fall,

She’ll know how deeply loved she is,

She’ll grow.


She’ll grow into a woman,

One with someone who has her back,


And when she has someone who has her back,

She’ll take on life fearless.


And once she’s fearless,

She will conquer her highest goals.


And when those goals are conquered,

Her cousin will follow in her path.


And when her cousin follows her path,

They will live.


And when they live,

They will share memories, laughs, and tears.


They will always have each other,

For years, and years, and years.

So if you give a girl a cousin,

She’ll probably ask for more


For those of you who don’t know, I left my job at Ramada, and accepted a job at Walgreens with Haley & my brother’s girlfriend and our friend, Megan. I have been there for two days so far, and have really enjoyed my time there.

I am so excited to be working with some great people, and hope that it stays that way! 🙂 ☺♥

“No.” -Rosa Parks 

These days we don’t hear the word ‘no’ very often. It’s usually an excuse followed by “Sorry, I can’t.” 

Why is it so hard for us to say no to people? Is it because we are trying too hard to please everyone? 

It’s time to stop making excuses and start saying no when you mean it. Stop giving people hopes for a next time. Hopes that maybe you’ll say yes next time. 

No. That’s all it takes. Two letters. Only syllable. No. I promise you it will make life easier and more enjoyable. 

Yoga with Cats

For those of you who know me in the slightest, I have a huge obsession with cats.

Fat cats, small cats, orange cats, gray cats, all of them. So today I googled cat yoga, don’t ask me why, I just did. So for those of you who want to try yoga… Here’s a few moves to try

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I will not apologize.

#.pngI have friends and even family members that disagree with the way I live my life, and that’s okay. It’s okay to not want tattoos, or strange colored hair, or date boys who you know people wont approve of. What is not okay is people telling me how I should be living.

I will not apologize that I chose to get tattoos. Each of my tattoos has a special meaning to me, and I plan on getting more than that.

I will not apologize for being pro-choice. A woman’s body is just that, her body, not mine to choose for her.

I will not apologize for having purple hair. Did you know that the domestic violence and epilepsy awareness ribbons are purple? I’ve been through both and I’m proud to share that.

I will not apologize for dating boys that people don’t approve of. I will date who makes me happy regardless of religion or anything else they believe.

I will not apologize for being a feminist. I believe that we should all be equal, both men and women. We should not be fighting each other, but fighting against the stereotypes.

In short, I will not apologize for living the way I please, and you shouldn’t be either. Explore your options in life, don’t stay living in one place because someone told you to. You are your own person so embrace it!


Selfie Sunday

I don’t normally do selfie Sunday or selfies of any kind, but there’s a first for everything! 

I can finally say that I am so proud of the person I have become since I left La Crosse in 2014. I have a solid job, an excellent school and social life, and best of all– I am happy.  

I have decided to continue with my hospitality degree and also continue my education with Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Counseling, as that hits so close to home. 

I gave up making decisions that were all about me, and started to make decisions that were to better myself, my family, and my friends. 

Thanks to all of you who support me through everything, both good and bad. You guys rock my socks off. ❤️❤️❤️  

With brave wings she flies❤️

I am not for everyone. 

I’m not for everyone, not even for most people, but I do have my people.  

These two ladies have been through it all with me recently and I can’t think of any other way to thank them. So here it is guys:

I am so happy to be in a group chat 24/7(literally) with you ladies. I always know that I have you two to support me and tell me no when I need it, and yes when I need encouragement. I appreciate you both more than words can describe, and I am SO thankful that God chose you two to be in my life. I love you guys!❤️
So am I made for everyone? 


Am I made for these two?



Dating In The Hook-up World

Don't waste sunsetson people who won'tbe there for the sunrise

Tinder. Plenty of Fish. Hook-ups. That’s all I seem to hear about these days. Guys who tick off the number of girls they’ve slept with, girls gossiping about the cute guys they had over the night before. I personally don’t find that to be fun or interesting. If you’re into the hook-up scene, you might want to stop reading now.

I’m a girl who strives to be loved, and these days that’s hard to find. I’ve made it my goal to find someone who isn’t going to be gone by the sunrise, and do you know how hard that is? Maybe it’s just because I’m in college, but you’d think other people would realize that the clock keeps ticking, and you never know what day is the last.

Ladies, I’m speaking directly to you now. We need to be done with slut-shaming and support each other in happy and healthy relationships rather than getting in on the hook-up culture. I believe that the more we support dating and romance the less hook-ups will be talked about. Some people may thing it’s cool to get their number up into the double digits, but is that going to get you anywhere? Nope, just feeling empty.

Together let’s stop the hook-up culture completely.

With Love,

The girl who still believes in true love.

Hopes and Dreams and Stuff

I released some exciting information on my own blog today (bloghog365.weebly.com) about following my own dreams, so now I’m here to inspire you.. or something.

We were told to follow our dreams all our lives, right? If you hope for something you can get it if you work hard enough, right? Well that’s kind of wrong. If I followed my dreams, this world would be crazy and I would have had about 18 different weddings and countless boyfriends.  Anyway, do me a favor and pick a dream and go with it, just make sure you’re happy first.